
Mahogoney Waites on How She Manifested Her Modelling Career, and What Keeps Her Grounded Daily



In her first interview with Manifest Easy, Mahogoney Waites Shares how she;s manifested her modelling career, and tells us of her happy place which keeps her grounded daily.

Mahogoney’s Age: 26

Her Current location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Mahogoney’s Profession: Professional Freelance Model

Instagram Username: @skiesmayfall

What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?

“The best thing that’s ever happened to me would have to be when  I made the decision to move from Toledo, Ohio to Atlanta.

It was by no means easy for me, but it started a chain of events to transpire in my life that truly help shape me into the woman I am today.”

What is your favorite part about being a woman?

“The best part about being a woman for me is how in tune I am with my sensuality and my ability to love and nurture those closest to me. I’ve always been a caretaker to my love ones and I feel the reason I’ve always been so good at it is due to my strong femininity.”

Who is your favorite role model?

“Honestly I’d have to say my favorite role model was my mom. She was always able to accomplish anything she set her mind to and she taught me ‘if there is a will, then surely there is a way’. I’ve always been in awe of her strength.”

What is your dream in life?

“My dream in life is to move to a nice place somewhere in California; close to the beach so that I could walk it[the beach] after a hard working day at my own high fashion magazine company where I’d get to explore different concepts and be able to watch my creative ideals become a reality.

Would be nice to settle down at some point, maybe have a few children and watch them grow up to chase their own dreams.”

When you’re feeling down, what do you like to do to bring yourself back into good spirits?

“Whenever I find myself feeling stuck in a rut, I usually roll myself out of bed, take a nice hot shower, and dress myself up really nice. Then I usually dance around my room as if I’m in my own little music video or try to have a mini photoshoot. Staying productive really helps me out a lot.”

What makes your soul light up?

“Really anything that helps me express my creativity truly lights up my essence at my core. I adore expressing my creativity with modeling, sing, dancing, decorating, and acting.

All of these hobbies make me see different sides of myself and help build up my confidence and personality traits.”

What is your favorite outfit to wear at the moment?

“You’re more than likely see me rocking a cute crop top with some high waisted jeans or skirt, accompanied with some thigh high boots and a few accessories.”

What is your “happy place”?

“My bedroom has always been my sanctuary. I keep my room filled with lots of plants, so it has this really lovely divine feminine goddess garden feel to it, that way when I’m having a rough day I can just escape into my own little world to recharge and ground my energy.”

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Photographer: Quinton Cochran
IG name: @quintoncochranphotography

What’s most important to you?

“The most important thing in my life would have to be my family. Without them I would feel utterly lost in this world.”

What’s the funniest moment you’ve ever experienced?

“One time a few friends and I went to sing karaoke at this little bar. I got so drunk that night [that] my friends had to send me home in an uber.

I guess I had left my jacket and purse inside of the uber drivers car and he so kindly tried to bring me my things but honestly I didn’t remember a lot of that night or even being in the uber at all.

So as he approached me at my apartment door I started freaking out because I thought he was just some random guy following me and I was experiencing stranger danger… and he had to try and explain that he just wanted to give me back my things!! Haha it was all so silly looking back at it now. Oh – and I know longer drink by the way haha.”

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve manifested into your life so far?

“The best thing I have manifested so far in my life would have to be my modeling career. I prayed and prayed to god/ the universe for this opportunity to come into my life, and it has really been such a wonderful blessing ever since.”

Photographer: Rudy Thompson 
IG name: @therteeseven

If you had the chance to talk to your younger self, what would you tell them?

“I would tell my younger self to keep the faith. Any negative situation that you may have been experiencing was only going to be temporary.

You are capable of so much more than you could possibly realize, and please learn to give yourself the love you give to everyone else. You have always been worthy of that love and of happiness.”

What’s something that you love about yourself?

I” really love my ability to adapt and reflect in any situation, and be able to learn from that experience in order to create a better reality for my future. It has helped [to] shape me into a better person.”

Photographer: Rudy Thompson 
IG name: @therteeseven

What’s your favorite meal? Gimme allll the juicy details!!! 

“My absolute favorite meal would have to be Louisiana style cajun shrimp and grits with asparagus and some buttery biscuits on the side.

Not to mention some homemade banana pudding for dessert, because you’ve gotta have a little dessert!”

Do you meditate?

“Yes I have mediated a few different times in my life. It was a very calming experience for me… It’s not really something I do often, but it helps me find balance and clarity in a few different moments when I felt like my world was a little chaotic.”

Photographer: McKenzie Cameron
IG name: @artevolatr

What is something you’re really proud of accomplishing? 

“A huge accomplishment for me was when I conquered my fears at the age of nineteen, and moved all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. I was completely by myself with no money, and no idea on how I’d actually be able to sustain a life here.

Now at the age of twenty-six, my life here has been flourishing. A lot of people expected me to fail and come back home in defeat. Maybe a part of me expected me to fail too, but every year that has passed since I made that big move has just gotten better from the year before it, and I couldn’t be more proud of myself for taking that leap of faith.”

What do you want to be remembered as?

“This question is actually a hard one to answer honestly. I’d say when I’m long and gone, I hope that people will remember me as someone that always fought really hard to create beauty and peace for myself and those around me.

I hope people will remember me as a great lover, a wonderful friend, a passionate daughter, a loving sister, and hopefully one day an amazing mother.

I hope I can inspire all of the people that connect with me to be the greatest version of themselves and that I create a healthy space for them to be able to express their wildest dreams In a way that feels authentic to them, because we all deserve to accomplish our goals!”

Follow Mahogoney’s journey on Instagram: @skiesmayfall



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