
The Incredibly Wise Divine Derricka Gives Us a Great Perspective on Judgement and Positive Self-Talk



In her first interview with Manifest Easy, the very wise and beautiful soul that is Divine Derricka shares with us a great perspective on judgement, and gives powerful examples of using positive self-talk to form a strong relationship with yourself based in unconditional love.

Divine Derricka’s Age: 23

Her Current location: California, United States

About Divine Derricka’s Profession: Derricka is an Empowerment leader and intuitive energy healer and channel. She works with people to help them reframe their mindsets + alchemize their inner worlds, remember their divinity, and their power to heal themselves + transform their lives. She is also an Artist and uses her art to activate, and uplift people’s energies. 

Instagram Username: @Divine_derricka

What makes you feel most connected to your femininity?

“Dressing up, and doing my makeup really helps me tap into that feminine side.”

What outfit do you feel most sexy in?

“A bralette, some flowing goddess pants, a kimono, my snake necklace, snake sandals, my lion rings, and gold bracelet, and my chandelier earrings. Also can’t forget a full face of makeup!”

Has anyone ever judged you for showing your more feminine, emotional side? How did you deal with that?

“Yes, I’ve had a couple of people. At first it hurt my feelings, but after doing some healing I realized it was because I myself used to judge this part of myself. Once I healed that relationship, I stopped attracting people that judged me for that.”

At what point in your life did you start to really step into your femininity and the divinity that comes with that?

“Actually at this point right now. I feel more connected to this aspect of myself than I ever have before.”

What’s your favorite self-care ritual?

“Definitely giving love to my physical body. Whether that’s through self pleasure, rubbing myself down with oils, doing my nails and hair, and taking reiki infused baths.”

 What do you love most about being a woman?

“Ahh so many things! Being a woman is amazing. But I’d say how intuitive we are, and that we are powerfully connected to the realms of the unseen, and magick.”

What inspires your creativity most?

“Being outside in nature always sparks my creative fire.”

How do you express your creative side?

“Through doing my makeup and taking pictures, writing poetry, drawing, and cooking.”

Women are intuitive beings by nature. What’s one instance where you’ve felt called to really tap into your intuition and listen to that voice inside of you?

“When I was ending a karmic relationship. I had to really ask myself from a deeper place, “is this healthy for me?” And it led me to letting go of something that wasn’t serving me anymore.”

Women have an intrinsic trait where we tend to avoid confrontation, and handle issues passively. Because of this, we can often manipulate the situation and get our way without fighting. What’s one time that you’ve seen this trait show through you?

“It was with my sister. We’d sometimes bump heads about how [to do] certain things. But instead of me fighting about it, I’d suggest going to get some food and that I’d pay for gas. I knew what to say, and how she’d react to avoid it turning into a bigger problem.”

When did you really start to feel confident in yourself? Was there a specific moment or event that caused you to embrace yourself with love and step into confidence?

“It was another romantic situation. I had fallen for someone that didn’t feel the same way, and he mentioned some traits about myself that I needed to look at.

That moment sparked me to look deeper at not only my shadow, but my light. I started to embrace what was within, what I had to offer to the world.

It made me realize I don’t have to chase anyone or anything, but simply be as I am. And that She is enough. Once I did that I started to feel better about myself, and it was genuine confidence that emerged.”

Was there a time you ever doubted yourself? And how did you overcome your doubt?

“Oh yes, many times actually. One was when I started to really express my gifts to the world. I doubted if I was all that I felt I was. I doubted if I’d actually make a difference in people’s lives.

But the way I overcame it was when I went into the part of myself that was doubtful, I spoke to her and we had a honest conversation. I reminded her that we have what it takes, and that we were born with these specific gifts for a reason.

It took time but the doubt started to ease up. But in my moments of doubt, prayer also is my go to.”

As women, we are too often told we need to change the way we look, and the media and beauty industries can pick on our insecurities. How do you like to honor your body and remind yourself how beautiful and perfect you are? 

“I write love letters to myself. I also sit in front of the mirror naked and speak out loud how beautiful I am. I speak to every part that I ever felt self conscious about, and I shower it with love. I also thank my body for all the work it does. Gratitude has shifted my self worth in major ways.”

What advice would you give to a young girl who isn’t confident in her body and femininity yet?

“Don’t ever compare yourself to another for you are absolutely perfect as you are. No one else in the world could do what you are meant to, or be you. Your uniqueness is what makes you special.

The Divine made you exactly the way you were meant to be for a reason. Within you is an infinite source of beauty, wisdom, love power, and potential. You carry the codes of the women that have gone before you, and they are guiding you every step of the way.

You are never alone in what you feel. You are valid, you are worthy of all of your hearts dreams and desires. You don’t ever have to chase love, or validation because your worth was already set before you came into physical form. You could never be without love because it’s what you are.

Honor what it means to be a woman, and celebrate yourself throughout all moments because you deserve to be celebrated. Remember you are loved unconditionally forever, and always.”

Women are naturally highly sensitive beings, and we deeply feel our emotions. How do you honor your emotions and give yourself space to feel?

“I make sure that I always have a private space I can go to and be alone with the divine, and myself. In that space I’ll write about my feelings, I’ll cry and release, I’ll scream, dance, I do whatever is needed to let the emotions move through me.  I also remind myself that it’s okay to feel what I feel.” 

As women, and divine feminine beings, we’re given the precious ability to create life. In our society, we’re told we need to be mothers and raise a family. While having the incredible ability to create life and give birth, not every woman decides to become a mom, and that’s okay. What are your thoughts on this topic? How do you feel about being able to create the most precious thing on earth – life itself?

“I feel every woman regardless if they choose to be a mother or not, have the divine mother codes within them. It’s not just birthing a physical child, but maybe a creative project, or something you’re manifesting.

We have this powerful ability to breathe life into anything around us. That could be our love life, ourselves, our friendships, our career. All of that is tied to our feminine ability to create life, and nurture life.

I do feel that we should be more respectful to women who consciously choose not to be mothers. It doesn’t make them any less of a woman.

But for me, I do know I want to and will be a mother to physical children. I think it’s so beautiful that women have this ability to bring spirit into human form. It’s powerful to witness what women go through, and their ability to literally carry life within them.

How they were designed with everything they needed to make this happen. When I think about what I’m capable of as a woman in birthing life, it’s a power I can’t fully describe into words. It’s an ancient remembrance for sure.”

The divine feminine energy within you is inherently strongly connected to nature – Mother Earth. What is your favorite way to spend time in nature and honor Mother Earth?

“I love just being present in nature. Putting my feet on the grass, feeling the pulse of Mother Earth beneath my feet, listening to the birds, feeling the wind, the sun. Experiencing her with all my senses. I love to speak with the spirits of the earth, sing to them, dance with them, and just sit with them having conversations. I also love to leave offerings for Mother Earth. I’ll leave her flowers, or I’ll send her reiki.”

As women, we are the embodiment of Divine Feminine energy, but we also have Divine Masculine energy within us. Do you often feel like you have more feminine energy than masculine, or vice versa? How does the energy that you think is most dominant within you often express itself through you? 

“I used to definitely be more in masculine side, but now I feel my feminine is much more dominant. It shows up in my ability to communicate easily with The Divine, and be a channel and vessels for it to express itself through me. Also my ability to be unconditionally loving to everyone.”

Follow Divine Derricka’s journey on Instagram: @Divine_derricka



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