
Danielle Holyland is a Living Inspiration



In her first interview with Manifest Easy, Danielle opens up to us about her personal life – She shares many parts of her story which inspires us at Manifest Easy. We know that her story will inspire you too.

Danielle’s Age: 27

Her Current location: United Kingdom

Danielle’s Profession: Care Assistant

Instagram Username: @daniellel0uisee

What’s your dream in life? Tell us alllll about it!

“To live a happy, fulfilled life alongside my partner. I’d love to get married in the next couple of years and I definitely keep dropping the occasional hint.

I’d also love to do a bit of travelling and see more of our amazing world but ultimately, just having a healthy, happy life, living in my little home with my partner and dog is all I could ever ask for.”

Who or what makes you feel like you can accomplish anything, even your wildest dreams? 

“Quite a few people actually! My partner, definitely. He has stuck by me through so much and has never given up. He gives me the determination to keep on going.

But also my family. Mainly, my Dad. My Dad had cancer when he was a baby and lost the entirety of his right arm, including the shoulder.

Yet, he still drives a car, rides a bike, plays xbox and the list goes on. He’s never let it stop him from doing the things he wants and that amazes me.

That inspires me to go after my dreams because if you really put your heart and mind into it, you CAN do it.”

What was the biggest lesson for you in your life so far? How did this lesson shape you into the amazing person that you are today?

“That not everyone in your life is there with good intentions.

Over the years I’ve been hurt so many times by so called ‘friends’ who I let into my life, who I tell all my secrets to, for them to eventually turn against me. Or, they were just in the ‘friendship’ for their own gain.

You see, sadly, I used to be so desperate for friendship, I’d rush into making people my best friend and I’d do anything to make and keep them in my life. For example, if my ‘friend’ wanted money, I’d give it them. If we argued, even if I was not in the wrong, I’d apologise first because I wouldn’t want to lose them.

It took me a long while to be able to tell myself that these people aren’t true friends. That they were just exploiting my kindness.

Now when making new friends, I do so slowly. I think it works out so much better, not just for me, but for the people I’m making friends with too. It means we can build up mutual trust and respect.”

If you were to pinpoint one trait or thing about yourself and amplify x1000 it to be your superhuman power, what would it be and why? 

“My ability to understand. I do believe that I am a very understanding person and I think that’s what this world needs more of!

You never know what someone is going through behind closed doors so less judgement towards others and more understanding could actually be just what somebody needs.”

Let’s say, your own personal magical fairy godmother has just appeared in front of you. You have an infinite amount of wishes to create the life of your dreams. What does the life you create look like? 

“First and foremost, I would want my family to have everything they’ve ever wanted in life. I would ask her to take my mental health issues away. Although in a sense, I am grateful to have had mental health issues because it’s made me the person I am today – I would like to live the rest of my life with a ‘normal’ frame of mind.

I would ask for a little bit of money to pay off my debts and maybe a cheeky holiday to Disneyland haha! Honestly, as long as my family are happy and healthy, I don’t really want for anything else.”

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 What’s something you’ve felt or feel proud of recently?

“Getting back to work. Because of my mental health issues, I find it very difficult to work or to hold a job down. At the end of March, I started a new job in a little care home near where I live and I absolutely love it.

I only do one day a week but that’s enough for me at the moment. This is currently the longest I’ve been in a job for a little while.”

What is your favorite way to spend time with the people you love?

“One of my favourite things to do with Lewis, is having a movie night. We get lots of yummy snacks in, we bring our duvet downstairs, have cuddles and watch a film. It’s the simple things like that, that really mean the most to me. I don’t have to be doing anything at all with my loved ones, just being around them is great.”

What is your “happy place”?

“My home. Not only is it my happy place but it’s also my safe place too.”

What’s your favorite book that you’ve read or are reading? 

“I am currently obsessed with the ‘Throne of Glass’ series by Sarah J. Maas.”

What’s a cause that is important to you? 

“Any cause to do with mental health!”

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve manifested into your life so far?

“This is going to sound so cheesy so get your sick bags ready haha – but honestly, it has to be my partner. He’s by far the best thing that has happened to me.”

What makes you smile the most? 

“My dog, Benji. He’s the sweetest little thing and although at times, he can be very mischievous, he’s my little boy!”

What’s something that you love about yourself? 

“How caring I am. My family and Lewis have always said I’m one of the most caring, loving girls. Once you’re a part of my life, I will do anything for you.”

What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you? 

“I actually attended The Children’s Hospital School. When I was in my early teens, because of how bad the bullying got, I actually left public school. I was under a mental health unit for young adults at the time and they got me a place in the hospital school.

It was amazing for a little while. It was small groups, maybe 10 of us and we all had mental health issues, whether that was depression, anxiety etc. It meant we all got along on well and understood one another. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I ended up having to leave there too.”

How would you define yourself using only three words?

“Emotional, loving and friendly.”

What’s inspiring you in your life currently?

“All the amazing girls on Instagram. I’m a part of the body positive community and it’s the nicest community everrr!”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever recieved? 

“People are always going to judge you, no matter you what do. So, just always be true to yourself.”

Follow Danielle’s journey on Instagram: @daniellel0uisee



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