
An Exclusive Look Inside the Mind of AIRPORTS



In his first interview with Manifest Easy, music artist AIRPORTS (aka Aaron Lee) gives us an exclusive look inside his mind, talks about his experiences growing up, and tells us how he’s manifested many things like financial freedom… Aaron also shares his practical technique that you can apply today to manifest anything.

Aaron Lee is a full time music artist and business owner native to Australia. He currently resides near Sydney, and is quickly gaining popularity worldwide from his music. Make sure you follow him on Instagram so you never miss out on new music (and you can stalk his page for all the awesome records he’s already dropped)! @airportsmusic

Aaron, what inspired you to become a music artist and producer?

“My dad is a musician, so I grew up around it. The first time I got to sing on stage was when I was 4 – I just got addicted to it! Being a Leo, I loved the attention haha.”

When you first decided to go full time as an artist and producer, did you have any fears or doubts? How did you overcome them?

I knew during my schooling years it was what I was going to do with my life, so against popular opinion I focused all my time into learning to write and produce music instead of studying.

Although I’m a pop singer now, I went straight into the DJ scene right after high school and started touring clubs. It was always scary because like most dream careers, it doesn’t come with an immediate financial return.

I learned a lot of hard lessons and was broke for many years.. but because of that I now have my own music business and get to work on my own artist project (AIRPORTS) – things are really good! Most importantly, I’m happy.

What is your biggest goal with your career?

“Innovate Music, Influence popular culture & save lives. I have “Innovate Influence Save” tattooed on my arm. Ultimate manifestation!!”

Photo by Trystin Sinnott @trystinsinnott and Emma Corrigan @emma.corrigan

Who inspires you to dream bigger and go beyond what others around you may think is possible?

“At the moment it’s Gary Vee, a must listen for anyone with ambition…. Many various artists and trend setters in pop culture – Kanye has been one of them long term… And my late mother, because she would never settle until she had her way! Haha.”

Your most recent music video project, called ‘U FEEL IT 2’ – which I had the honor of being in, thank you very much!! – was very inspiring in itself and connected people from all over the world with their common thoughts, feelings, and even fears. What inspired you to write this song and create such a meaningful and heartfelt video project for it?

“Thank you for being in it for real! I loved your answers so much! The song was written as a duality – it can be interpreted as a love song or a song about a relationship with a vice.

I wanted the video to reflect this but also during global isolation, I wanted it to show that we are all dealing with the same passions and fears and are still connected in knowing that.”

Click Here to watch the U FEEL IT 2 music video

Photo by Trystin Sinnott @trystinsinnott and Emma Corrigan @emma.corrigan

What makes you feel most powerful?

“Having a voice, having empathy, self awareness.. but most of all having loved ones around me that understand me.”

When you feel overwhelmed with creating, how do you snap yourself out of it and change your state of being?

“I have to take mental breaks, reconnect with loved ones, have deep conversations too. I should reconnect with the earth (outdoors) more, but need to work on that.”

If you were to pinpoint one trait or thing about yourself and amplify x1000 it to be your superhuman power, what would it be and why? 

“Self-Awareness. I believe if everyone was more self aware, it would breed more empathy, that would change the world and better humanity.”

Photo by Nathan Sinnott @nathan.sinnott

Carousel also featuring photos by Jake Percey @jakepercey

Your dance music is so fun to listen to and always gives a fresh take on the latest hits!! What’s your favorite remix that you’ve created so far?

Oh thank you! So besides being an artist, I have my own music company that specialises in music for Dance (choreography). Honestly I’ve done so many mixes I can’t pick a fav, but my recent Billie Eilish mix has gone really well. You can hear it on @aaronleeworldwide

How did you get started remixing music specifically for dancers and dance studios?

“I was recommended as a music producer some years ago to an Australian dance company that was doing their first tour. I got to grow with them and the demand spread from there. I fell into that, very grateful I did. It’s such a fun community to be part of.”

Photo by Alii May @aliimayphotography

You’re about to launch a podcast I’ve heard! What’s your podcast all about and what inspired you to start one?

“I am! It’s called The Human Things Podcast with AIRPORTS. I wanted to take listeners on the journey with me – not just through my music career but I wanted a platform to talk through some of my life experiences such as having two life threatening illnesses, my journey through mental health, self development and [my] spiritual journey – including leaving an ‘unclassified cult’ – haha!
I’m not into solo vlogs so I got one of my best mates, Bryce, to co-host it with me.

The first season drops soon on most streaming platforms such as Spotify. Episodes will be fortnightly to start with.”

Follow @airportsmusic on Instagram for updates on when his podcast episodes will be up!

You’ve overcome many things including rare diseases.. What was one thing that kept you going and kept you faithful to your beliefs and your worth during that difficult time?

“The fact that I knew I was made to do more. Having a purpose.”

sydventure 50 1
Photo by Trystin Sinnott @trystinsinnott

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve manifested into your life so far? 

“There are a few… overcoming some life threatening illnesses – being able to function and do what I love.
Entertain my entrepreneurial side an create a company – the music for dance [that I] previously mentioned – that allows me the freedom to invest into my #1 goal – AIRPORTS.
Freedom from anxiety and trauma through attracting the right people with the right forms of self development & treatment.
And my wonderful girlfriend!”

Do you have a manifestation technique or ritual that you do specifically when you want to call something new into your reality?

“It’s really simple.. I obsess over it in an excited way, I know and believe a way will reveal itself, and I take action to get there. It always works, sometimes quicker, sometimes longer than we expect.”

Photo by Sean Higgins @shotography

Let’s get a little vulnerable here… what’s one limiting belief that you have about success that you’ve either overcome already, or are working to overcome?

“That I am not succeeding quick enough and missing opportunities or being overlooked. But I am learning to accept what’s given to me and operate from peace and clarity as opposed to desperation. Desperation always leads to wrong decisions.”

What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?

“I can’t swim but have grown up and still live right next to the beach! Haha”

Photo by Sean Higgins @shotography

What’s the best advice you have right now for someone who wants to do music for a living, or even just their passion for a living, but doesn’t know how to start?

“If it’s what’s going to ultimately make you happy – do it and don’t listen to the naysayers. Work overtime to learn anything that makes you excited, reach out to people and learn from them and collaborate.

Put yourself around the right circle of people who will help you grow in the direction you want. And again, only do what makes you HAPPY.”

Who do you want to be remembered as?

“That I helped many people and gave them awesome music.”

Follow AIRPORT’s journey on Instagram: @airportsmusic



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