Do This Simple Technique To Release Negative Thoughts and Feelings
I’m gonna be realllll bold here…
So you think you love yourself, huh?
I mean really. Do you think you love yourself???
I thought I loved myself.
I thought I had done the work.
I thought I had done enough meditating,
I thought I had done enough soul-searching,
I thought I had done enough shadow work and integration….
I realized….
Self love is not a college degree.
It is not something you earn or tap into once you’ve “done enough of the work”.
It is a moment-by-moment, unconditional love.
It is constantly choosing love, over that little voice (or big loud scary voice) that tells you that you aren’t enough.
It’s choosing love over the voice that tells you you’re not good enough.
It’s choosing love over the voice that tells you that you should feel ashamed, or that you should feel guilty for the things you’ve done in the past.
It’s choosing love when you eff up.
It’s choosing love when you feel afraid, or when you feel worried about the future.
You see…
Self love isn’t a degree.
Self love isn’t something you earn,
It isn’t something that just stays with you, because you’ve felt it or tapped into it a few times, or even many times.
You have to constantly choose love.
Unconditional love for yourself, and really for everyone around you, as we are all really one.
When you constantly choose love, it becomes second nature to keep choosing it.
But yet, it is a choice.
Not a badge.
Not a degree.
Not a permanent state.
We can make a habit out of choosing love.
We can also make a habit out of choosing fear, worry, anxiety, self-judgement, judgement upon others…
We can make it a point to choose love. To consciously choose love.
And even when you’ve made a habit out of choosing love…
You still may experience times when you might choose fear, or worry, or judgement…
And that’s okay.
You don’t need to run away from those things.
You can acknowledge them, and move past them.
Call them out for what they really are – They are the absence of love.
These negative feelings and emotions, they don’t belong to you. They don’t belong to your true self.
If you feel yourself getting caught up in these types of feelings and emotions, here’s a simple tip/exercise that you can apply at any time, to relieve unpleasant feelings, thoughts and emotions!
- Take a deep breath. Breathe in for 6 counts, hold for 3 counts, then breathe out for 9 counts.
- Breathe in again, using the same breathing pattern – but this time, picture the negative or unpleasant thoughts and emotions jumping into an elevator (during the breath in and hold at the top), an elevator that’s appeared inside your brain.
- As you release your breath, picture the elevator going down, stopping at your heart center as you fully release.
- If you’re not driving or doing something else while doing this, place your hands over your heart. Feel your heart center expand. Feel the massive electromagnetic energy coming from your heart, into your hands, back into your heart, and spreading all around you into your auric field.
When we drop into our heart center, we can really FEEL whether or not what we’re thinking, feeling, etc. is coming from our Higher Selves. We automatically tap into the frequency of love.
And you have the ability to do this at any time, anywhere.
This is just one example, one reminder of how powerful we truly are – as spiritual beings, having a human experience.
And feel free to do this exercise often, as many times as you feel the need to.
Because remember, self love – love in general… does not come in the form of a badge. It does not come in a degree.
Choose love, in this and every moment… because this moment, now, is all that really exists.
I have so much love for all of you reading.
With love,
Anna Pepe
Click here to check out my podcast on this topic!